
Saturday, July 31, 2010

God loves to remind me...

Have had a busy day today. Lots to organise and places to go. Didn't manage to go to all the places we wanted to today. Hate days like that. But God showed me some special things along the way.

Was feeling a bit sad again. Sorry for myself. Missing Noah. Longing for another baby. Realising that could never happen or be a long way away. Had to go and get a card for my niece and nephews baptism so went into a Christian bookstore to buy them one. Happened to just browse around the corner from the cards and discovered these:

I couldn't believe it. Keyrings and magnets with Kookaburra's on them with a sunrise and sunset. And not just that.. but the verse saying 'Be still and know that I am God' is one that was a big comfort to me during Noah's birth. And the other verse is from Samuel which is Noah's middle name. Amazing.

And then Nigel found this poster. We had to buy it and will put it up somewhere where we can see it and be reminded. Its just beautiful.

What a beautiful God we have. One who comforts us in our sadness. One who is faithful to us when we need his help. One who will never abandon us. One who doesn't forget the grief you feel, even after others have forgotten. One who died for us so we could be with him. So Noah could be with him.
A beautiful God.
Thank you for the reminder God.

Friday, July 30, 2010

I recently lost my son Noah. These are my favourite pictures that will forever remind me of him. They comfort me in my grief.
This is a necklace I got made in memory of Noah. The 3 birthstones in the middle signify 3 months.. January (conception), June (birth) and October (due date).

This is a photo that I ordered for Noah. He is free as a butterfly now.

Rainbows will always be a special reminder of our son Noah. Because of Noah in the bible and because a rainbow appeared the day before Noah was born. It was God's promise of faithfulness and love to us.
This photo was taken at the cemetery Noah was buried in. The rainbow was right over his grave. So special.

I will always think of Noah when I see a Kookaburra. We had one keep us company near our window during Noah's birth. He flew away when Noah was born.

A sweet woman named Carly writes babies names who have passed, in the sand at a beach during the sunset.  Sunsets have always been special to me. They are a reminder that God loves us. God loved us enough to give us Noah. Though He took him to heaven, we will always be thankful for that gift. Even though our time was so short with him. 
Mummy loves and misses you Noah xo

Time Flies

Just found my old blog after 4 years!!! Somehow managed to get back into it. Am lucky it sent me the password to my email address. Would never have remembered that one. Was a random password set for this blog only.

But I do like it so will keep it. Just must remember to come on here more often.

I think time has come for me to do some blogging again. This time though, not for a holiday. Just daily life as I walk along the path God has set for me.

Thanks for reading xo