
Monday, August 07, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

Hi There

Well here we are in Las Vegas.. finally. After months of planning we've finally made it. The last couple of weeks leading up to our trip was a little stressful (ie Nigel got pneumonia and the day before we left I badly bruised one of my toes - got an xray cos I thought I might have broken it - by sleep walking in the middle of the night) so its really nice to have made it here safe and have a good time. Though the walking can be a little painful for my toe, we're still really enjoying ourselves so far.

We're staying at the Luxor hotel which is a themed hotel (like most hotels here are) about Eygpt! So basically our hotel is a pyramid and has the sphynx out the front. It is very cool.

A photo of our hotel - the pyramid part
A photo of our hotel again - the Sphynx part

We arrived here on Saturday 5th August, after leaving Australia on Saturday 5th August. Crazy time difference. Anyway, it was a long day but we still somehow found some energy to walk a little around the strip. We got to see the water show at the Bellagio which is pretty cool

America is a very interesting country. I tried to order a 'small' meal at McDonalds and got told I can only do Medium or Large. Their medium was as big as our large. Crazy. Nig and I are also finding that crossing the street is rather dangerous, not just cos of the american drivers, but also cos we tend to look in the wrong direction first.. cos we're used to Australian road rules.. hmm.

Another thing we've noticed is the heat. It is hot here. However, if anyone from this part of America tries to tell you that their summers are hotter than ours, you can safely tell them NO! It is hot here yes, however, the sun does not burn your skin like it does here. When you are standing in the sun here, you just feel warm, you don't feel like your skin is about to burn off in harsh heat like you do in Australia. So we are actually enjoying some nice warm weather without getting too hot. But our real test will be tomorrow when we head to the grand canyon!

Well had better sign off now. We're about to leave to go see a show. So will make another post later with more stories..!
Love Amy and Nigel

Nigel in front of New York New York hotel. When we get to the real New York we will send you a picture of the real statue of liberty ! hehe

Amy in front of the Bellagio hotel

The Eiffel Tower in front of the Paris hotel!

1 comment:

Al's Adventures said...

Glad to see you both have arrived safely, I too would have been concerned if I had have seen my pilot bang the door to close it... however from what I have previously heard about the US aviation system I'm not surprised.

The pictures look great, I look forward to seeing Las Vegas for myself in a few months time... make sure you write about all the good things so I can go and check them out for myself :-)

Take Care